# Player Roster Age Status
00 Trent Denning 18 and 5 months Active
2 Brody Knowles 18 and 4 months Active
5 Evan Dishman 18 and 3 months Active
6 Karson Britton 18 and 4 months Active
10 Maxton Meadows 18 and 0 months Active
12 Dane Branson 18 and 3 months Active
13 Palmer Schiff 18 and 2 months Active
15 Isaac Daza 18 and 5 months Active
27 Corben Throgmorton 18 and 4 months Active
32 Brooks Thomas 17 and 11 months Active
44 Brayden Black 18 and 8 months Active
Name Role
Chad Dishman Head Coach

This team is not registered for any upcoming Game 7 events.