W-L-T 0-3-0
Win % .000
Avg Finish 6.00
Ranking Points 70
Avg Runs Scored 0.67
Avg Runs Allowed 17.00
Avg Runs Difference -16.33
Runs Scored 2
Runs Allowed 51
vs. Classes
9U-AAA 0-1-0
10U-A 0-1-0
10U-AA 0-1-0


Place Date Event Division W-L-T
6 7/9/2022 Ron Walker Memorial 10U-A/AA 0-3-0


# Event Team VS Team
Game #1 Ron Walker Memorial 2 Pacific Indians 12 Midwest Rebels 10U (Lisk)
Game #2 Ron Walker Memorial 0 Pacific Indians 29 Missouri Warriors - Casey
Game #3 Ron Walker Memorial 10 Midwest Rebels (Eatherton) 0 Pacific Indians
Number Player Age
2 Colton Brandhorst 12 and 9 months
3 Alex Liwapattanapichit 12 and 0 months
4 Wesley Girdner 12 and 11 months
8 Barrett Smith 12 and 8 months
11 Blake Riegler 12 and 2 months
17 Riley Quennoz 12 and 7 months
21 Logan Giles 12 and 7 months
26 Liam Andrew 12 and 5 months
31 Elijah Whitlock 11 and 3 months
32 Spencer Brittain 12 and 7 months
83 Benjamin Gantner 13 and 0 months
99 Lucas Fox 12 and 7 months

This team is not registered for any upcoming Game 7 Baseball events.