W-L-T 1-0-1
Win % .750
Avg Finish 2.00
Ranking Points 110
Avg Runs Scored 10.00
Avg Runs Allowed 6.00
Avg Runs Difference 4.00
Runs Scored 20
Runs Allowed 12
vs. Classes
11U-AA 1-0-1


Place Date Event Division W-L-T
2 6/24/2022 Battle of the Bats 11U-A/AA 1-0-1


# Event Team VS Team
Game #1 Battle of the Bats 5 Greyhounds 5 Stl Force (Swatske)
Game #2 Battle of the Bats 15 Stl Force (Swatske) 7 Alpha Squad
Number Player Age
1 Bryden Moss 13 and 8 months
4 Ethan Alford 13 and 5 months
6 Andrew Alt 13 and 2 months
10 James Kelly 13 and 7 months
11 Emmet Worley 12 and 11 months
12 Drew Wilson 13 and 11 months
19 Caleb Rabe 13 and 6 months
27 Ben Swatske 13 and 10 months
28 Cameron Fleming 13 and 10 months
34 Max Reichert 14 and 0 months

This team is not registered for any upcoming Game 7 Baseball events.