W-L-T 0-2-0
Win % .000
Avg Finish 7.00
Ranking Points 60
Avg Runs Scored 6.00
Avg Runs Allowed 16.00
Avg Runs Difference -10.00
Runs Scored 12
Runs Allowed 32
vs. Classes
8U 0-2-0


Place Date Event Division W-L-T
7 6/24/2022 Battle of the Bats 8U-MP 0-2-0


# Event Team VS Team
Game #1 Battle of the Bats 15 Sugarfire FURY 5 Morton Grey
Game #2 Battle of the Bats 17 Midwest Rebels 8U (Shelmire) 7 Morton Grey
Number Player Age
1 Hudson Chan 10 and 3 months
3 Jack Hermann 10 and 4 months
4 Owen Janusick 10 and 4 months
10 Crew Bones 10 and 7 months
11 Griffin Geerts 8 and 6 months
17 Nathan Hernandez 10 and 5 months
22 Dylan McCully 10 and 11 months
23 Rex Uhlman 10 and 8 months
25 Kaden Byare 8 and 10 months
50 Jaxon Bell 10 and 10 months
99 Nolan Hoffman 9 and 2 months

This team is not registered for any upcoming Game 7 Baseball events.