W-L-T 0-3-0
Win % .000
Avg Finish 10.00
Ranking Points 50
Avg Runs Scored 3.33
Avg Runs Allowed 14.00
Avg Runs Difference -10.67
Runs Scored 10
Runs Allowed 42
vs. Classes
8U 0-3-0


Place Date Event Division W-L-T
10 6/27/2020 Swing for the Rings 8U-MP 0-3-0


# Event Team VS Team
Game #1 Swing for the Rings 18 St. Clair Stars - 8U 6 O'Donnells 2020
Game #2 Swing for the Rings 0 O'Donnells 2020 16 STL Bandits - Black
Game #3 Swing for the Rings 8 STL Grind (Nowack) 4 O'Donnells 2020
Number Player Age
7 Jace Underhill 11 and 2 months
8 Matt Harvey 12 and 9 months
9 Rex Noland 12 and 11 months
10 Chase Lay 12 and 9 months
12 Corbin Riefesel 11 and 11 months
14 Stewart Montague 12 and 11 months
15 Harrison Holliday 11 and 11 months
17 Ian Elston 11 and 7 months
22 Luke McAdams 12 and 2 months
23 Vedder Immegart 12 and 0 months
24 Rylon Kirby 11 and 8 months
26 Henry Schwartz 12 and 2 months
52 Max Ricker 12 and 1 month

This team is not registered for any upcoming Game 7 Baseball events.