W-L-T 0-0-0
Win % .000
Avg Finish
Ranking Points 0
Avg Runs Scored 0.00
Avg Runs Allowed 0.00
Avg Runs Difference 0.00
Runs Scored 0
Runs Allowed 0
vs. Classes
# Player Roster Age Status
3 Wyatt Gatton 16 and 10 months Active
4 Carver Rice 17 and 0 months Active
7 Kaden Goff 17 and 8 months Active
10 Brayden Roberts 17 and 7 months Active
21 Jase Mefford 17 and 6 months Active
25 Jake Creek 17 and 6 months Active
Name Role
Stuart Rice Head Coach

This team is not registered for any upcoming Game 7 events.