W-L-T 0-3-0
Win % .000
Avg Finish 8.00
Ranking Points 60
Avg Runs Scored 0.67
Avg Runs Allowed 8.00
Avg Runs Difference -7.33
Runs Scored 2
Runs Allowed 24
vs. Classes
10U-AA 0-3-0


Place Date Event Division W-L-T
8 6/27/2020 Swing for the Rings 10U-OPEN 0-3-0


# Event Team VS Team
Game #1 Swing for the Rings 13 StL Force 10u (Odom) 0 Revolution
Game #2 Swing for the Rings 0 Revolution 6 Bandits Baseball Blue- (Govro)
Game #3 Swing for the Rings 5 Quincy Dirtbags 2 Revolution
Number Player Age
1 Cole Feeler 13 and 6 months
3 Richie Barbieri 14 and 7 months
4 Caleb Funk 14 and 9 months
7 Dylan Gutjahr 14 and 4 months
16 Nolan Sandvos 14 and 8 months
22 Owen Laughlin 14 and 7 months
27 Drew Steinhaus 13 and 11 months
32 Kolton Rhodes 14 and 3 months
48 Beau Bradley 14 and 5 months
51 Colin Wilson 15 and 0 months
75 Joey Colyer 14 and 0 months
99 Oliver Hajek 14 and 10 months

This team is not registered for any upcoming Game 7 Baseball events.